The Sound of New York City

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Let’s start with a classic …

… and continue with a more modern „sound of New York City“ 🙂 .


The overview can help you to keep an eye on what you have already accomplished. It shows you what you can do and where you need (some) help. So always be honest to yourself when you make a cross in one of the cells on the right of the table.

Lesson 0 – Here we go

By the end of the lesson you can say which sights you want to visit in America!

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Talking about famous places (#1)
  3. Watching a video: In America (#2)
  4. New Vocabulary
  5. Watching a video: In America
  6. Where do you want to go? (#3)
  7. Feedback

Lesson 1 – Welcome to New York City

By the end of the lesson you can take information out of an audio file and a video.

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Talking about New York City (#1a)
  3. Listening: People and Places (#1b)
  4. Viewing: People and Places (#2)
  5. Feedback

Lesson 2 – New York City Facts

By the end of the lesson you can plan a tour through NYC.

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Talking about New York City (#1)
  3. Reading: New York City Facts (#2)
  4. New Vocabulary (#3-6)
  5. Reading: New York City Facts (#7)
  6. Planning a Tour through New York City
  7. Feedback

Lesson 3 – A Brooklyn Blog

By the end of the lesson you can take information out of a blog and write a comment.

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Talking about New York City and a Blog (#1-2)
  3. Reading: A Brooklyn Blog (#3)
  4. New Vocabulary (#4-6)
  5. Reading: A Brooklyn Blog (#7-8)
  6. Write a comment (#9)
  7. Feedback

Lesson 4 – My Post for a Blog

By the end of the lesson you can write a post for a blog.

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. What has happened so far? (=> folder, book)
  3. Writing a Post for a Blog (use as many of the new words as you can)
  4. Read your post aloud
  5. Feedback

Lesson 5 – What if …?

By the end of the lesson you can say what you would do if you had a million dollars.

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Introducing the second conditional (#1-2)
  3. Practice, practice, practice (#3-4, 9-14)
  4. Feedback

Lesson 6 – Trapped

By the end of the lesson you can take information out of a story.

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. Talking about Being Trapped (#1-2)
  3. Reading the Story – 1 (#3)
  4. New Vocabulary (#4-6)
  5. Reading the Story – 2 (#7)
  6. Feedback

Lesson 7 – At the Tourist Information

By the end of the lesson you can ask politely for help at the tourist information.

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. What’s going on? (#1)
  3. Listening to a Dialogue (#2-5)
  4. Practice a Dialogue
  5. Present a Dialogue (#6)
  6. Feedback

Lesson 8 – Sports in New York City

By the end of the lesson you can scan for information and define the word scanning.

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. What’s going on? (#1)
  3. Looking for Information (book, page 26, no.1)
  4. How Did I Do That? (#2)
  5. Practicing Scanning (book, page 26, no. 2-3)
  6. Feedback

Lesson 9 – Chillin‘ in New York City

By the end of the lesson you can scan for information in a film.

Lesson plan:

  1. Warm-up
  2. What Can You Do in New York City?
  3. Before you watch … (book, page 27, no.1)
  4. While you are watching (book, page 27, no.2)
  5. After you have watched (book, page 27, no.3)
  6. Feedback

Lesson 10 – Revision

By the end of the lesson you will have practiced what you have learned in Unit 1.


Go through your folder and look for anything that has to do with „movement“. Write it down and create a short presentation about it. This could be in form of a mindmap, a poster, or …? – You can choose 🙂

Finished? Then click here and continue with the next topic: Stories from the Deep South.